At NorthStar Transitions, we offer intensive outpatient programs to help individuals from all walks of life build a healthier, sober lifestyle. Our Virtual IOP is specifically designed to provide support for those who might not be able to attend traditional in-person treatment. Whether you’re juggling a hectic schedule or living in a rural area, our Virtual IOP is accessible from anywhere and tailored to meet your needs without compromising the quality of care.

What Is Virtual IOP?

Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) are an effective treatment option for the treatment of substance use and mental health concerns that do not require detox or round-the-clock supervision. They offer a supportive, flexible approach to recovery that lets clients continue to live at home and maintain their daily responsibilities while working toward a sober lifestyle.

NorthStar Transitions’ Virtual IOP provides a structured approach to recovery through a virtual platform, accessible from anywhere via a computer or mobile device. While more convenient than other treatment options, it is designed to offer the same level and intensity of care as in-person IOP. Clients commit to attending multiple therapy sessions each week, conducted live over secure conferencing software. This ensures that participants receive real-time support from their peers and experienced therapists, mirroring the engagement of on-site programs.

A Holistic and Integrated Approach

Recognizing that recovery is a multidimensional process, our Virtual IOP integrates various therapeutic practices to address all aspects of addiction and mental health. This includes evidence-based modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), along with support for medication management and continuous monitoring through regular drug and alcohol screening. By utilizing a comprehensive approach, we ensure that our clients receive the personalized support they need to achieve lasting recovery.

Virtual IOP at NorthStar Transitions

Our Virtual IOP offers robust support for busy professionals, parents and students, as well as individuals living in remote areas where in-person services are scarce. It has been specifically designed to improve accessibility to high-quality addiction and mental health treatment.


Virtual IOP involves individual and group therapy sessions with a focus on building community, learning new recovery skills and developing relapse prevention techniques. Our goal is not only to help individuals get sober but to equip them with the tools they’ll need to build a brighter future and maintain a healthy lifestyle free from drugs or alcohol well after the program ends.

What to Expect

  • Nine hours per week of group therapy
  • Weekly individual therapy sessions
  • Biweekly family therapy sessions
  • Biweekly family skills groups
  • Monthly appointments with medical & psychiatry teams
  • Medication management
  • Drug & alcohol screening twice a week

Modalities & Weekly Topics

  • Proven psychotherapies
  • Mindfulness & meditation
  • Experiential therapies
  • Chemical dependency education
  • Relapse prevention
  • Interpersonal & life skills development
  • Emotional regulation
  • Stress management


Virtual IOP is a 12-week program that offers both morning and evening hours. Programming takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at the following times:

  • 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Why Go Virtual?

Many individuals are discovering the benefits of getting help from anywhere. For those with substance use and mental health issues who face barriers to accessing traditional in-person treatment, the ability to find support without leaving home can be truly life-changing. If you’re considering rehab, here’s why going virtual might be the right choice for you:

  • Accessibility: Virtual IOP breaks down geographical barriers, making it possible for individuals living in remote or underserved areas to access high-quality care without traveling long distances.
  • Flexibility: Virtual programs are particularly beneficial for individuals with demanding schedules, such as working professionals, parents, and students, who might find it challenging to fit traditional therapy sessions into their daily routines.
  • Privacy & Comfort: Engaging in therapy from the comfort of your own home can provide a greater sense of privacy and ease.
  • Consistent Support: Virtual IOPs ensure that participants can consistently attend sessions and maintain continuity in their treatment, which is crucial for recovery.

Our Virtual IOP has been designed to enhance participating and engagement among clients to provide a highly effective treatment experience. It also features self-paced content to help individuals absorb and develop new recovery skills and concepts more effectively. This approach also accommodates a wider variety of learning styles and schedules.

How to Enroll in Virtual IOP

Enrolling in Virtual IOP at NorthStar Transitions is a straightforward process designed to make it easy to get the help you need and start your recovery as soon as possible.

1. Contact NorthStar Transitions

Begin by reaching out to learn if Virtual IOP is right for you. You can get in touch via phone, email or by completing our online contact form. Our admissions team can ask any questions you may have about the program and start the pre-screening process.

2. Pre-Screening & Assessment

After getting in touch, a member of our admissions team will ask some brief pre-screening questions to determine if Virtual IOP is appropriate for you. If you meet the preliminary criteria, a team member will work with you to schedule admission.

3. Enrollment

Following a successful assessment and completion of necessary paperwork, you will be officially enrolled in the program. You will receive all the materials and instructions you'll need to begin participating in the Virtual IOP individual and group therapy sessions.

4. Begin Your Treatment

You will begin attending scheduled therapy sessions as outlined in the program schedule. These include group therapy sessions three times a week, individual therapy sessions once a week and biweekly family therapy sessions.

Ready to Enroll in Virtual IOP? Contact Us to Get Started

Verify Your Insurance

If you're considering treatment for yourself or a loved one, NorthStar Transitions is in-network with a number of insurance companies. We also work closely with other major insurers as an approved out-of-network provider. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, don’t hesitate to contact our admissions team or complete our online insurance verification form.

Get Help Today

If you’re ready to regain control of your life and take the next step toward a brighter, healthier future, connect with us today to learn how our Virtual IOP can fit into your schedule. At NorthStar Transitions in Boulder, Colorado, our dedicated team is ready to help you overcome addiction with highly personalized treatment options tailored to your needs. Get started by calling us today at (866) 407-2240 or completing our online contact form.

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