The grievance procedure is designed to ensure that all clients receiving behavioral health services have a structured process to address any concerns, complaints, or grievances they may have regarding their treatment, services, or interactions with staff.

Informal Resolution: Clients are encouraged to first attempt to resolve any issues informally by discussing them with their primary therapist or another staff member they feel comfortable approaching. Many concerns can be resolved at this level through open communication and clarification.

Formal Grievance Filing: If the issue remains unresolved or if the client is uncomfortable addressing it informally, they may file a formal grievance. Grievances should be submitted in writing using the grievance form and include details such as the nature of the grievance, specific incidents, dates, and any individuals involved.

Submission of Grievance: Clients can submit their written grievance to the designated grievance officer, Katherine Ferrell, by email to: Paper forms can be found at the front desk or using this link Client Grievance Form to be filled out

If a client feels that their concern cannot be addressed by NorthStar they may submit a grievance to the Behavioral Health Administration:
Phone: 303.866.7191
Address: 710 S. Ash St., Denver, CO 80246

Grievance Review: Upon receiving the written grievance, the grievance officer will conduct a thorough review of the complaint. This may involve gathering additional information from relevant parties and reviewing any documentation or records related to the grievance.

Resolution Meeting: Once the review is complete, the grievance officer will attempt to arrange a meeting with the client to discuss the grievance in more detail. During this meeting, the client will have the opportunity to provide further information and clarify any points related to their grievance.

Investigation and Action: Following the resolution meeting, the grievance officer will conduct any necessary investigation into the matter. Depending on the nature of the grievance, this may involve interviewing staff members, reviewing policies and procedures, or consulting with supervisors or management.

Outcome Communication: After completing the investigation, the grievance officer will communicate the outcome of the grievance process to the client in writing. This communication may include any findings from the investigation, actions taken as a result of the grievance, and any steps the client may take moving forward.

Follow-Up and Monitoring: Throughout the grievance process and following its resolution, NorthStar will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that any corrective actions are implemented effectively and that similar issues do not arise in the future.

Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation: It is essential to emphasize that all information related to the grievance process will be handled confidentially, and clients will not face retaliation for filing a grievance. This assurance helps to create a safe and supportive environment for clients to voice their concerns.

Documentation: Finally, the grievance process, including the initial complaint, investigation, resolution, and any follow-up actions, should be thoroughly documented for future reference and quality improvement purposes.

By following this grievance procedure, NorthStar aims to uphold the rights and well-being of its clients while promoting continuous improvement in the delivery of services.

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