Do you notice changes in your teen that seem deeper than the usual ups and downs of adolescence? Whether it's increased isolation, unexplained mood swings or a sudden drop in academic performance, these behaviors can be alarming and confusing. If your teen hasn’t been acting like themselves lately and you suspect something else more serious is going on — such as substance use — we can provide the support they need to get back on track.

Recovery is a process, not an event. At NorthStar Transitions, we work with your teen to make positive life changes that help them achieve lasting sobriety. Using a whole-person, family-oriented approach that addresses the root causes of addiction, we meet your teen where they’re at and encourage them to develop the skills they’ll need to build a brighter future.

Why Choose Adolescent IOP?

Adolescence is a period of rapid change. During this time, many teens are vulnerable to issues like peer pressure and substance use, which can have a profound impact on their development and well-being. At NorthStar Transitions, we address these challenges head-on by providing targeted, age-appropriate treatment to help your child get sober and transform their life.

When it comes to your teen’s health, early intervention is crucial. Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) offers a structured yet flexible approach to addiction recovery without interrupting daily activities, like school. By addressing drug or alcohol problems during these formative years, we can help your child develop the skills to build a healthier, more successful future.

Signs Your Child Is Struggling

Teens and adolescents are at a difficult stage in life. As your child works to figure out who they are as an individual, they might lash out, break the rules and spend more with their friends. While some of these changes are normal, other behaviors that are not typical could be a sign of drug or alcohol use. Some red flags to look out for may include:

  • Sudden changes in mood or behavior
  • Extreme outbursts of anger over small things
  • Isolating from friends and family
  • Stress management
  • Getting in trouble with the law
  • Healthy relationships
  • A drop in academic performance
  • Trauma & grief counseling
  • Lying about their whereabouts
  • Drug use, binge drinking and other risk-taking behaviors

If these behaviors occur often or intensify over a short period of time, it’s important to take action. Speaking with a professional can help you understand whether your teen's behavior is a normal part of growing up or something that needs more focused help and attention.

Program Overview

Adolescent IOP offers a structured yet flexible solution for addiction treatment specifically for teens and adolescents. Our program allows participants to continue with their everyday lives, such as schooling and family commitments, while receiving the critical support they need.

What to Expect

  • Designed for teens & adolescents (ages 15-19)
  • 8-12 week program
  • Weekday afternoons & evenings
  • Small group sizes
  • Experiential & evidence-based therapies
  • Highly personalized care
  • Experiential & evidence-based therapies
  • Support for co-occurring mental health concerns
  • Led by an experienced and licensed team

Treatment Topics & Therapies

  • Emotional regulation
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Art therapy
  • Music-based therapy
  • Outdoor & nature-based therapies
  • Experiential activities
  • Family therapy
  • Life skills development
  • Goal setting
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Relapse prevention
  • Weekly education group for parents

Our Facilities

Located in Boulder, Colorado, NorthStar Transitions provides an ideal backdrop for healing and growth. Our facilities foster a sense of calm and focus to support your teen’s recovery, with easy access to the outdoors for experiential and nature-based activities. Our goal is to provide a safe space where adolescents can explore their emotions and develop the skills necessary for managing stress, building resilience and overcoming the challenges of drug or alcohol addiction.

Our Staff

Our treatment programs are led by a team of highly skilled professionals, including doctors, licensed therapists and addiction specialists, each with extensive experience in adolescent development and behavioral health. Our clinicians are trained in a range of therapeutic modalities and develop personalized treatment plans to ensure your child feels both seen and heard, empowering them to thrive at home, in school and beyond.

Take Action

Deciding to seek help for your teen demonstrates a commitment to their health and future. If you notice the warning signs of substance use, the first steps you take can significantly influence your teen's path toward recovery. Here’s how you can start:

  • Open Communication: Express interest in your teen’s life and listen without judgment.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn more about adolescent substance use — understanding the challenges your teen faces can prepare you to provide the support they need.
  • Consult Professionals: Even if you’re not ready to commit to a treatment program, consulting with healthcare providers or therapists can provide valuable insights and prepare you for the next steps.
  • Explore Your Options: Look into treatment options and support groups for both your teen and your family.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Maintain clear rules, expectations and boundaries and ensure your teen understands the consequences of breaking those rules.

Taking these steps can make a real difference in your teen's life by showing them they’re not alone. It also sets a solid foundation for more structured support if or when it’s needed.

Verify Your Insurance

We get that seeking help for your child can be an unnerving experience. To make things a little easier, we work with most major insurance providers and can verify your benefits before starting treatment. Get started by using our online insurance verification form.

The NorthStar Transitions IOP Difference

At NorthStar Transitions, we know how drug and alcohol use can negatively affect your life. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we can help. Reach out today to find the support you need to achieve and maintain lifelong sobriety. You can get in touch by calling us at 866-407-2240 or completing our online contact form.

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