There are several options for addiction treatment in today's modern society. Knowing what to look for and how to narrow down the options can be difficult, especially for individuals seeking treatment for the first time. There are, however, many things to look for in a treatment program.
For years, addiction treatment was a rigidly structured process. Thankfully, this is no longer the case for the majority of treatment programs out there. Nowadays, individuals are able to make more decisions regarding their treatment. First and foremost, it is crucial to look for that level of flexibility when looking at a treatment program. What else should you look for?
The number of programs available today is overwhelming, but there is definitely one for you. To learn more, reach out to NorthStar Transitions today.
There are many things to consider when choosing a treatment program. However, you must first analyze your situation. For starters, what are you struggling with? Many individuals struggle with addiction, but that does not make every journey the same. It matters whether you are struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD), like alcoholism or drug addiction, a behavioral addiction, or a combination of these. Additionally, it matters whether or not you are experiencing a co-occurring disorder—such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—and require a dual diagnosis program. Your specific situation will influence what you look for in a treatment facility.
Furthermore, your situation is not solely dependent on your diagnosis. Are you married? Do you have children? Are you currently enrolled in an education program or working full-time? Consider the ramifications of the answers to these questions as well. For example, if you are the sole breadwinner for your household or yourself, you will most likely require some flexibility from a treatment program. Thankfully, there are programs nowadays that offer such flexibility. However, it is vital for you to recognize those needs for researching the programs at your disposal.
Once you determine your unique needs, you can begin researching your options. Admittedly, this can be one of the more overwhelming parts of the process. It can, however, help to seek professional counsel before diving into research.
When researching a treatment program, you might begin by filtering your options geographically. It makes sense to do this for several reasons. First, you may need to stay close to home for a variety of reasons, or you may not want to travel far. Some people nowadays even continue working during treatment, which we will discuss a little further down. In any case, it is perfectly okay for you to want to stay close to home.
However, researching is not as easy as googling “treatment programs near me.” Instead, discuss your situation with a doctor or medical professional and see if they, or a close confidant, have any highly recommended treatment programs in mind.
On the other hand, you may want to go far away for treatment. Sometimes it's good to get out of your current environment and leave distractions and triggers behind. Destination treatment centers or facilities that are otherwise far away can be a good thing in some cases, depending on your needs.
Virtual treatment programs also reduce the need for some people to filter geographically. Other factors to consider in your research include what insurance plans a treatment program accepts, if they treat co-occurring disorders or offer holistic treatment, and whether they provide other services or resources you can utilize. The more you research, the more treatment program options you will have at your disposal.
Once your options are in front of you, you can look for the program that best fits your needs. There are many treatment programs geared specifically toward a certain population of people or a particular need some people have.
As mentioned, many people choose to continue working during treatment. Professional treatment programs allow them to do so. Programs like these are individualized to allow business owners and other working professionals to keep up with the demands of daily life. Having the stability to continue work while seeking treatment may ease worries surrounding issues that may arise from spending too much time away from work.
Now, not everyone is able to continue working during treatment, and that is completely okay. Some people require a more intensive program like residential treatment. A program like this offers intense therapeutic interventions in a supportive environment. It is typically heavily monitored and offers 24/7 service and care.
Other options like intensive outpatient programs (IOP) or partial hospitalization are available if you require flexibility. Instead of living at a facility, you can come and go between a treatment center and home, which is a great way to stay connected to everyday life. You may look for this if you require treatment but must maintain other family or work-related responsibilities.
At the end of the day, the most important thing to look for in a treatment program is autonomy over your care. For years, individuals requiring addiction treatment experienced ineffective results because of rigid and uniform programs. Today, professionals recognize and accept that the most effective treatment is individualized treatment. Whatever program you find, you should feel empowered to make decisions surrounding your treatment that align with your long-term goals for recovery.
Many people need structure in their addiction treatment plans. Having a program tailored to people's specific needs is also vital. Knowing what to look for in a treatment program can be difficult or overwhelming. There are many factors to take into consideration and lots of research to know what your options are. For instance, your type of addiction, finances, insurance, and income all factor into what will be the best kind of program for you. Thankfully, discussing this will a medical professional can be an excellent stepping stone toward a life of recovery. NorthStar Transitions can help if you or someone you love is actively struggling with addiction and is in need of help today. Call (303) 558-6400 today.