Every individual lives differently and copes with different situations in a unique fashion. The way individuals process information is through the neurons in their brains. When outside substances influence those neurons, they can take a toll on day-to-day functioning. In addiction recovery, one route to treatment is through brain mapping, which can help recovery specialists see exactly what is going on in an addicted individual's brain and how it differs from a sober person's brain activity. This can provide insights that lead to better, more effective treatment plans for each client.
Brain mapping is a relatively new scientific, technological process developed to teach professionals how the brain works by using technology mapping imaging. Brain mapping imaging can show professionals things like abnormalities in neural pathways in an individual who abuses alcohol or drugs, as these substances can significantly alter brain activity.
Professionals can develop better treatment approaches and modality options by understanding their client's neurology, including how they respond to certain stimuli and different treatment modalities. By knowing how the brain is affected by these things, recovery specialists can understand what treatments will be most effective for each individual. Neuroscience can also reveal potential triggers and cravings before they occur, and can then be fended off. When a professional can prevent intense cravings, the risks of relapse are lowered tremendously.
Brain mapping is usually only advised as an approach when facilities use EEGs or consider MAT, as these facilities are most equipped to take full advantage of brain mapping. This test is not ideal if there is not a long-term treatment plan put in action. Brain mapping can provide insights into the best treatment options for an individual, but it is not necessarily therapeutic on its own and should be followed with action appropriate to the knowledge gained from the brain map.
Alongside brain mapping, researchers have further developed neuroscience to improve substance use treatment progress significantly. With the advancement in new technology, researchers and scientists can help individuals who struggle with substance use make significant progress in integrating new biological processes to help refine executive control and emotional processing.
By understanding an individual's specific needs and responses to various treatments, addiction recovery therapists have a heightened ability to target new treatment approaches and identify behaviors before they occur and lead to relapse or other catastrophes. Neuroscience and brain development in substance use recovery can change one's life forever as more and more research in this area helps professionals know how to prevent substance use disorders and treat them with complete knowledge and understanding.
Brain mapping can reveal key factors that go into a client's substance use disorder. It may reveal that one is genetically predisposed to addictive behaviors or that one's substance use stems from childhood trauma, and much more. With this knowledge, different treatment paths may be recommended that specifically target these areas. This can be helpful long after treatment as well, as the one in recovery has deep knowledge of how their brain processed addiction and how to best protect themselves from that situation again.
As science and technology continue to expand, it helps professionals understand why the brain changes when one is under the influence of substances and what can be done to divert the consequences. Substance use has short-term and long-term effects and understanding exactly what those look like can help professionals develop adequate measures to mitigate these effects.
At the same time, using brain mapping and neuroscience to understand how the brain functions and controls, research is still required to conclude promising investigations. Using neuroscience and brain mapping in addiction recovery helps ensure that specific treatment approaches are effective. Integrating cognitive assessments in addiction recovery can help streamline this process.
When professionals have more tools to identify the underlying core concerns in substance use, they can develop a holistic plan to provide a more multilevel treatment option. The overall goal is to use brain mapping as a major factor in the “evidence” part of evidence-based treatments to ensure the highest level of success for every client.
Not every treatment center has the resources for brain mapping and neuroscience-based treatment. If this is something that seems vital to your recovery, make sure you find a treatment facility that can provide this service for you. It is becoming more common as technology advances and the benefits of brain mapping are acknowledged. While this is a major advancement in the efficiency and effectiveness of addiction recovery treatment, healing can still be found without it.
At NorthStar Transitions, we understand that no two individuals are alike and each client needs unique treatment approaches. When individuals have a tailored treatment plan, the treatment outcomes are more successful. By taking full advantage of research and technology through brain mapping and neuroscience, professionals in addiction recovery can see in real-time how their client's brain has been affected by substance use and which treatment approaches are most effective. This technology helps predict changes in cognitive status and further develops treatment outcomes. Each individual who struggles with substance use disorder deserves to have the best insights into the core elements of their addiction so they can pursue a healthier lifestyle. With holistic and evidence-based treatment options, results are more successful. If you or your loved one struggle with substance use and want to know more about brain mapping, neuroscience, or evidence-based treatment options, contact the NorthStar Transitions team at (303) 558-6400.