Finding out a loved one may be struggling with addiction can be a troubling time. You may not want to believe it and go through stages of denial, sadness, and anger. However, you will also want to help them the best you can. Heroin, one of the most addictive drugs, can be difficult to deal with once a person has become addicted. There are ways you can help your loved one if you do suspect them of using heroin. By educating yourself properly on addiction and how to help a loved one struggling with it, you can help save their life and get them on the road to recovery.
Heroin can be a difficult drug to spot because many that use it are extremely good at hiding their use. One of the most common and well-known signs of heroin abuse is needle “track” marks found on the arms. However, this is not always the case because newer users may not inject the drug to get high. People may smoke or snort the substance, causing no visible marks on their arms. You can still look for signs of heroin abuse, though, in other areas of the body.
Common signs of heroin abuse include:
If you notice any of the above symptoms in a loved one, it is a necessity to speak up. This is because there are a number of common effects linked to heroin abuse that can lead to severe health complications and can even be fatal.
Such dangers include:
Overdose is unfortunately common with heroin use. It can even happen the first time someone uses heroin. An overdose can lead to permanent brain damage, coma, or even death. This is why it is imperative to speak up if you suspect someone of heroin abuse.
One thing you can do to help a loved one realize their addiction is causing damage to themselves and those around them is to hold an intervention. This can help motivate them to seek help for their addiction because they cannot deny they have a problem when it is staring them in the face. An intervention is one of the best ways to help convince a loved one to get help. However, you must know how to have an intervention for the best and most helpful impact.
To begin the process of planning an intervention, you should start by contacting an intervention specialist. This person will help facilitate the communication between the people holding the intervention and the person that the intervention is for. They are there to ensure the intervention is successful and to help the addict come out of their denial during the process.
Next, you should create the group of people that will be present for the intervention. This should include parents, siblings, partners, close friends, and maybe even coworkers, as these people are the ones that will help convince the addict to get help. Once everyone has agreed to help, the specialist will begin discussing the best way to talk to the struggling loved one.
The specialist will then begin teaching the people in the group about addiction and addiction recovery. This will help the group be prepared and come from a place of understanding when talking to the addict. The specialist will help the friends and family practice what to say and introduce possible scenarios that may occur. The goal is to communicate how the addiction affects not only the addict themselves but also those around them to help the addict realize that they have a problem. What is going to be said should be written down beforehand and reviewed by the group and intervention specialist prior to the actual intervention.
The group and intervention specialist will decide on a time and place to hold the intervention. Plan for the intervention to be anywhere from thirty to ninety minutes, and it t is best to hold the intervention in a familiar setting to the addict where they feel comfortable. It is also best to try to hold the intervention when the person is not under the influence of any mind-altering substances.
You never know what may happen during the actual intervention. This is why the intervention specialist’s presence is vital, as these individuals are trained to manage hostile environments and keep the peace. However, if things get out of hand and anyone’s life is in danger, call 911 immediately.
At Northstar Transitions, we understand how difficult it can be when you find out a loved one has an addiction to heroin. You may be feeling heartbroken, shocked, angry, in grief, or feeling other intense emotions. However, you must be able to take a step back and look at the situation rationally should you want to help your loved one. It is crucial to educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of heroin abuse as well as its dangers before staging an intervention. Prepare for this thoroughly so the specialist can help you make a plan for the intervention. You can then contact an intervention specialist and work with friends and family members to decide the best way to encourage a loved one to seek help. If you or someone you love is struggling with heroin addiction, call us today at (303) 558-6400. We can help you take the proper steps to get help and start the healing process.