For most people, treatment is an extremely stressful process, and dealing with the many changes coming in recovery is part of that process. However, now that you have won the battle by going through treatment, you are at a point where your level of continued dedication requires more attention. It may not be the easiest thing to return to life after treatment because so much has changed.
However, if you continue to keep pushing yourself through those moments of temptation where you feel as if you are going to slide and choose to stay on a healthier path, it gets a little easier. What are some ways you can healthily push yourself after treatment?
Transitioning into a healthy lifestyle requires time and energy, but it will eventually pay off in the end. Choosing to live healthily makes a tremendous difference for the rest of your life. There are multiple ways you can push yourself to make yourself healthier. Trying just a few will make a major difference in your life.
The sun helps things flourish and grow in the world. It is a perfect source of light and vitamin D, too. When you become more active in the sun, your body starts creating more energy, and you can more friends that make you happier. Plus, you get more opportunities when you’re walking around outside. For example, going swimming helps you mentally escape from any suffering. Adding the sun to your daily routine after treatment helps you grow.
You might just want to take five minutes every few hours to walk around outside or try to identify random plants around the neighborhood. Who knows what you can find! Getting yourself outside helps you become more active overall. This is great for your health. However, make sure you use the right sunblock if you are out in the sun during the heat of the day. Additionally, make sure you are well hydrated.
If you have recently been through treatment for substance use, you know how much work it was to get you to today. You are at the point where you want to do everything possible to avoid falling back into previous habits. Identifying every minor element of your life and building natural habits through healthy methods is all part of the coping strategy of recovery.
Many individuals choose to dedicate themselves to their hobbies to distract themselves and have fun at the same time. Some hobbies to consider are leathercrafting, candle-making, herbalism, sewing, making music, and more. Whatever you choose to do next, make sure it’s something you enjoy and can help you get through moments of triggers that are bound to happen in life.
During treatment, you have all sorts of different lifestyle changes to consider. You might have already embedded the changes into your life, including managing your weight and reducing the levels of salt, sugar, and stress in your life. However, now that you have left the treatment facility, you could fall back into the previous habits of unhealthy eating.
A healthier method to consider after treatment is to outline a weight management plan and stick to a regular daily exercise routine. Healthy eating habits and daily exercise helps to reduce emotional distress, relationship issues, stress, and cravings, also lowering the risk of self-destructive behaviors and helping escape from other mental and physical pain.
After you undergo life changes, especially after treatment, you develop a routine or structure. Your structure is a way to help organize your lifestyle, but it is important to remember to be flexible with it. A structured schedule can help you achieve goals, but there are moments like being stuck in traffic that can impede your structured schedule. Make time to figure out ideas and plan for the curveballs that life throws at you. There are tons of healthy methods after treatment to consider while continuing to pursue the goals that help you maintain sobriety.
You don’t need to stop the healthy habits to add new ones. You can consider new methods, such as developing new, healthy relationships, making a change in habits, attending new activities or meetings offered in your area, reworking your finances, or addressing your emotions on a day-to-day basis. These are ways to keep you healthier and give you balance in your life. It is important not to stop adding healthy living techniques into your life. Find what works for you!
If you or your loved one struggles with substance use or needs more information on how to apply healthier living techniques after treatment, NorthStar Transitions is here for you. With our approach to healthy living, we support your healthy life by reintegrating focus and utilizing experience in substance use treatment, bringing you innovative and holistic approaches. NorthStar Transitions dives into analyzing your relationship with your life and gives you the resources and tools to reclaim your life in a healthier, happier way. We have compassionate team members to help you through any stress conducive area in your life, including substance use. For health resources or treatment options, NorthStar Transitions can help you work towards a better life for yourself today and help you take the first step toward a healthier life you can be proud to have. Call us for customized support and find new ways to decrease your stress today at (303) 558-6400.