Are you struggling with methamphetamine addiction and need treatment? If so, the first step to a successful treatment and recovery process is to go through meth detox. Detox is the first step when seeking addiction treatment because the body must purge toxic substances before healing is possible. Detoxing in a facility is the best way to go about this, as abstaining from substances can cause several uncomfortable, even dangerous, withdrawal symptoms. While some facilities offer outpatient detox services, detoxing in a residential treatment center has many benefits.
The harmful effects of long-term methamphetamine use can be irreversible and deadly. Make the change that saves your life today. Seek treatment and create a life of recovery. Detoxing may be challenging because of your withdrawal symptoms, but that should not deter you, as professionals can help ease the process. Talk to a medical provider to learn more about your treatment options today.
Methamphetamine, often referred to as meth, is a "powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system." Meth can be used in many ways, impacting the brain. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), it "increases the amount of the natural chemical dopamine in the brain." Dopamine is a "chemical messenger involved in reward-seeking, movement, and motivation."
The more someone uses meth, the more they become dependent on the artificial dopamine surge. Our brain has a natural process for releasing dopamine. Using meth floods the brain with excess dopamine. The longer a person uses it, the more the brain craves it because the body can not produce as much dopamine naturally.
In addition to becoming dependent, the body begins to adapt to meth. To experience the same effect, a person must start taking more. This causes further dependence, health problems, and an increased risk of overdosing on meth.
There are several risks associated with using meth, including the risk of overdose and the development of chronic conditions. NIDA lists the following as some of the short-term effects of meth to look out for:
NIDA has also produced a list of potential long-term effects people may experience if they use meth. Those long-term effects include:
For some, long-term and excessive meth use can cause irreversible damage. As mentioned, meth causes changes to the dopamine system. However, NIDA also explains that the effect of meth on the dopamine system is "associated with reduced coordination and impaired verbal learning." According to them, some studies show that long-term meth use causes severe changes to parts of the brain involved with emotions and memories.
Some brain changes may be reversible after some time in treatment. Unfortunately, other changes may be permanent. Individuals must seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent potential future damage.
Detox is a vital first step in the treatment and recovery process. Substance use disrupts the normal functions of the brain and body, so the physical and psychological dependence on meth can lead to intense withdrawal symptoms. Detoxing in a facility has many advantages, such as 24/7 monitoring, around-the-clock care, and assistance with uncomfortable or medically dangerous withdrawal symptoms.
Some of the potential withdrawal symptoms individuals may experience when detoxing from meth include:
You may also begin experiencing more severe symptoms, such as depression—or signs of other mental disorders—intense mood swings, psychosis, or suicidal ideations.
Due to the potential dangers of some withdrawal symptoms, detoxing in a facility is highly encouraged. Detoxing alone can be lethal. While some facilities offer outpatient programs, inpatient detox provides many more benefits.
Individuals struggling with meth addiction often prioritize meth use over all other aspects of their lives. That is why seeking treatment is so vital. They can turn things around and live a life free from active addiction.
NorthStar Transitions offers several treatment programs that can help individuals achieve and maintain a life of sobriety. That includes:
Treatment programs like these are necessary follow-ups to the detox process. While ridding the body of harmful substances is a great start to recovery, it is not the end. Treatment helps individuals gain skills, tools, and resources that help them stay sober. Without treatment, individuals may be unable to cope with daily life's stresses and triggers and may relapse. Getting into a rehab program following detox is an important part of recovery.
Are you struggling with methamphetamine addiction and need treatment? If so, detox is a vital first step in the recovery process. Going through detox alone can be dangerous and even lethal. Meth detox in a dedicated treatment facility can offer people 24/7 care and support, around-the-clock monitoring services, and the ability to detox in a safe environment with access to incredible care. NorthStar Transitions can offer these detox services to you or a loved one seeking treatment for meth addiction. The long-term effects of meth use can be irreversible and deadly. To avoid experiencing the long-term effects of meth use or overdose, call (303) 558-6400. NorthStar can help you achieve and maintain a life of sobriety today.