How To Survive Difficult Times in Recovery

Even the most seasoned individuals in recovery will face difficult times. Humans are not perfect and will go through periods in life that seemingly knock them down. These periods can be especially tough if you are currently in recovery from addiction. You have gone through treatment, and you know how to manage your sobriety on the good days, but what are you supposed to do when life just isn’t going your way? It can be challenging to fight cravings when you are at your lowest point. By knowing how to persevere and actively engage in relapse prevention, you can survive even the most challenging times in your recovery and come out the other side stronger than ever.

Challenges in Recovery

When you leave treatment armed with the skills and coping strategies learned along the way, you may be feeling as though you can take on anything life throws your way in recovery. Perhaps you have even gone through some tiny mishaps and handled them with ease, boosting your confidence. However, you may eventually face a situation that knocks you down harder than you could’ve imagined; this is the time that you must tap into your resilience and keep going. 

Recovery does not shield you from the darkness of life. There is no free pass given to those that are already struggling. This may seem unfair, especially when you are doing everything in your power to continue living a happy and healthy life. However, only expecting good things to happen is what will leave you feeling disappointed and at risk of relapse. Some things are out of your control and go wrong for seemingly no reason. Some things that can occur to you in recovery include:

  • Losing your job due to a bad economy or layoffs
  • Being the victim of a crime
  • Being rejected by someone you care about
  • Having a loved one fall sick or pass away
  • Losing money
  • Not having loved ones accept you back after addiction
  • Being passed over for a job you really wanted
  • Developing a serious illness
  • Experiencing a natural disaster
  • Struggling with mental health problems

While these things are out of your hands, how you respond to them is entirely under your control. Tapping into your resilience and survival strategies learned in recovery will help you make it through.

Change Your Perspective

When bad things happen to you, you aren’t going to feel great about it. You will most likely view the situation negatively and question why it is happening to you in the first place. However, changing your perspective can help you get through what is happening. Instead of viewing the events in a negative light, change your outlook and view them as an opportunity for you to grow. You cannot expect to grow as a person without going through hard times, and this is the perfect opportunity to realize what lessons are being taught to you. Change the way you respond to adverse events, and you will see how beneficial it is to do so for your recovery.

Readjusting Your Strategy

Towards the end of treatment, you most likely discussed with your therapist or your fellow residents how you can prevent relapse down the road. Swapping coping strategies and making a list of those that work for you is crucial to have on hand if you run into tough times. However, it is essential to realize that what worked for you in the past may not be up to par with your current life. Perhaps you face different challenges, stressors, or obstacles in your life that weren’t present when you first came up with coping strategies. Recovery is all about adapting and adjusting to the situation to maintain your sobriety. When tough times come your way, don’t be afraid to readjust your coping strategies by adding more methods to your arsenal. Doing this will help you feel more prepared in the face of trouble and help you protect the sobriety that you fought so hard for.

Reach Out For Help

It can be easy to get locked in the mindset that now you are out of treatment, and you should be able to handle recovery on your own. However, this can be a dangerous thought process; overconfidence can often land you in hot water when it comes to tough times in recovery. Instead of trying to do it all on your own, reach out for help if you are struggling. Reaching out will alert others to hold you accountable in recovery and give you the support you need. Ultimately, reaching out for help can save your sobriety when push comes to shove. Reach out and be honest about what you are going through; this will help you survive even the most challenging times.

Being in recovery does not mean you get a free pass from the universe not to have bad things happen to you. In fact, even on your worst days, you may experience something that knocks you down even more than you ever imagined. On these days, it is essential to have the right survival strategies in mind to help you overcome these difficult times. However, if you are still struggling, there is no shame in asking for help. NorthStar Transitions wants to ensure that everyone has the right tools to maintain their recovery for the long term. We understand that you will face difficulties after treatment, and that is why we are committed to helping our clients even after they leave our facility. Our wide range of programs will give you the opportunity to find the support and healing you need. Call us today to learn more and get back on track at (303) 558-6400.

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