Individuals who have gone to rehab and been sober for an extended time most likely have a particular way of living their lives to maintain their recovery. While it is good to pursue healthy habits and coping mechanisms that work for you, it is also important not to become complacent in your recovery. One of the most common relapse triggers is boredom, as it provides you with time to overthink situations that can lead to potential relapse. Changing up your routine and stepping outside your comfort zone once in a while can be beneficial to your recovery. It will also keep things interesting to boost your motivation and desire to stay sober. By learning tips on how to step outside your comfort zone in recovery, you too can switch up the routine and avoid boredom in your sober journey.
Remember, getting out of your comfort zone does not mean you have to do something drastic that could jeopardize your recovery; it is recommended not to do this. Instead, take small steps to begin pushing yourself out of your daily routines and habits. These can include taking a different route to work, moving around furniture in your home, or eating a different breakfast than usual. These actions may not seem like much, but they will help to lay the foundation for future habits of stepping outside of your comfort zone. This way, you can become accustomed to feeling uncomfortable without affecting yourself too much or putting your sobriety at risk.
When you left treatment, you probably found outside support groups to attend. However, you may have grown accustomed to sitting in the back and not participating in group discussions or events. While simply going to meetings can help your recovery, it is crucial to participate in discussions and activities to boost your overall recovery. While it may seem difficult at first, learning how to speak up in an environment that you are familiar with can help you be more adventurous in the future when it comes to stepping outside your comfort zone. Start by speaking up, sitting closer to the front, looking for volunteer opportunities, and more. You will grow your skills as you learn to grow in the discomfort of the unfamiliar, which in turn will boost your recovery over time.
Many people that have gone to rehab took on coping skills learned in therapy or group meetings and have not branched out ever since. While using coping skills learned in treatment is a helpful practice, it is essential to understand that your recovery and needs will change over time. What once worked for you may not work as well or at all anymore, and that’s okay. You shouldn’t cling to the old ways of doing things just because it’s what helped in the beginning. You are a human being with evolving needs, goals, and desires. Rather than clinging to the old, educate yourself on newer techniques and methods to help your recovery at this stage in life. You might be surprised by what you find, and you might learn new techniques that can help when triggers present themselves. This will bolster your recovery and teach you to change when the old ways aren’t helping anymore.
Having days, months, or even years of sobriety is a huge accomplishment. Now that you live a happy, healthy, and sober life, you may not want to reflect on the days of addiction. While it may be uncomfortable, doing so every once in a while can provide you with new insight and motivation into your overall recovery. It may be hard at first, but thinking about who you were and who you might’ve been without ever going to treatment can help you stay on track in your recovery. Doing this may be stepping outside of your comfort zone and should be done when you are secure in your recovery to reduce the risk of relapse. However, reflection is a powerful tool that can guide you on the course of staying sober.
Once you have taken baby steps and done things here and there to help you step outside your comfort zone, you can begin to do so on a more regular basis as you become more accustomed to it. Over time, you will see how stepping outside of your comfort zone boosts your recovery, and you can begin to see how each step forward propels you farther than you imagined. Don’t stop taking risks just because you have grown comfortable. You learn the most when you are in a state of unfamiliarity, and you will continue learning how to cope with these situations in ways that will help you stay sober for years to come.
Stepping outside your comfort zone is much easier said than done. Even if you know the benefits it can have for your recovery, it can still be challenging to take that first step and begin the process. That is why it is essential to start small and build your way up from there as you grow accustomed to the discomfort of leaving your comfort zone. Over time, you will see firsthand how this helps your recovery and how much you learn from the experience. You will then want to continue stepping out of your comfort zone to maintain your sobriety for the years ahead. If you or someone you know needs help stepping outside the comfort zone, NorthStar Transitions can help. We want our clients to find themselves in recovery and never stop learning even after they have left our facility in Boulder, CO. To learn more about stepping outside of your comfort zone in recovery, call us today at (303) 558-6400.