How Does Eating Healthy Help Addiction Recovery?

Individuals currently struggling with active addiction often do not eat the most nutritious foods or even enough food to maintain a happy, healthy, and active lifestyle. This lack of nutrition usually stems from the fact that these individuals prioritize obtaining drugs and alcohol for their next fix. They may not have the money to eat properly and support their addiction or use specific substances that suppress their appetite. This is why many facilities go to great lengths to focus on eating better in recovery, as it teaches people proper cooking habits and helps them in their recovery. While many are skeptical of the role nutrition can play in addiction recovery, it does help the overarching process. Here is how eating healthier can help your recovery from addiction.

Addiction and Nutrition

Nutrition is often not a priority when struggling with addiction. Most of an individual’s money may be saved and spent on drugs and alcohol. An individual may also be using specific substances, such as cocaine, that suppress their appetite, often leading to malnourishment. As a person continuously neglects to eat nutritious foods and exercise properly, these choices can begin to take a physical toll on their body. The physical consequences of malnourishment are then exacerbated by the physical effects of their addiction, causing their body to deteriorate over time. 

Not Eating

Many individuals who use drugs and alcohol may have a suppressed appetite and do not eat. Lack of food in the body can cause various health problems over time, including low energy levels, sleep issues, irritability, and more.

Binge Eating

Other individuals struggling with addiction may come down from a high and develop a big appetite. This can cause them to begin eating until they are full but still continue eating. Binge eating can cause stomach pains and further health problems, including low energy, sluggishness, and more. 

Eating Poorly

While some individuals eat while in addiction, they may not be eating the most nutritious meals; because of their financial situation, many individuals opt to eat cheaper meals that will somewhat fill them up for a couple of dollars. These meals often have no nutritional value, causing their health to deteriorate quicker.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Individuals that are struggling with addiction often have a variety of vitamin deficiencies. The most common ones include a lack of vitamins A, B, and C and a lack of vitamin B12. This is why most facilities will provide supplements or foods full of these vitamins to help your body replenish them.

Health in Recovery

Seeking help for your addiction does not involve just getting sober and moving on with your life. Recovery takes a lot of time and energy because it addresses the consequences of addiction and its underlying roots. You will need your health for the process if you are going to start feeling better and thinking more clearly without drugs and alcohol. This is why most rehab programs emphasize healthy eating, meal planning, cooking, and more. During this time, you will learn how to budget and shop for healthy ingredients, plan your meals, meal prep, and cook healthy meals. These will help address any nutritional deficiencies you may have had while actively struggling with addiction. It will also help heal the physical and mental effects of long-term addiction on your body. 

Eating healthy while in recovery can help in the following ways:

  • Heal the damage to your body’s internal organs and tissues
  • Give you more energy
  • Improve your immune system
  • Boost your mood
  • Reduce the risk of relapse

Specific Advice for Those in Recovery

When it comes to your recovery and eating healthy, you should not only plan to eat healthier, but you should have a specific plan to improve your overall physical wellbeing. This plan should not only involve getting the necessary vitamins and minerals from your food but also planning to exercise, drink more water, and take supplements. You should learn how to meal prep to ensure you have enough nutritious food for the week, as slipping back into old habits can make you more likely to relapse due to lower mood and energy levels. 

Once you get the hang of these broader goals, you can begin putting in the work towards more specific goals such as drinking less caffeine, avoiding processed foods, eating more complex carbs, and making sure you are getting proper amounts of protein and fiber. As time goes on and you continue implementing these habits into your routine, you will notice how your recovery is boosted. You will feel better and be more motivated to continue recovery, even on difficult days. Should you need help with your nutrition in recovery, ask your treatment staff. 

Nutrition is crucial to addiction recovery because it helps heal your body and gives you the motivation and energy to continue your journey. You may overlook nutrition’s significance, but you will most likely begin learning and engaging with it at your rehab facility. A treatment facility will give you the proper tools to continue these habits even after leaving treatment. Facilities such as NorthStar transitions emphasize health and nutrition because we know how it can boost your overall recovery. We implement nutritious meal planning in our residential treatment program to give our men and women the physical and mental boost they need in their recovery journey. They also learn how to work together to cook meals and celebrate the end product. If you are interested in learning more about how nutrition helps addiction recovery and the other programs we have to offer, call us today at (303) 558-6400. Your journey to recovery begins at NorthStar.

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