How Does Being Outdoors Help Addiction Recovery?

While you are in rehab, the facility may block off time on your daily schedule for outdoor time. You may think this is just part of the treatment experience, but there are reasons behind it. Aside from the fact that being outside is generally good for you, it also has numerous benefits for your recovery. By learning the importance of spending time outdoors, you can boost your recovery over time by engaging in various outdoor activities. These are the benefits of being outdoors in addiction recovery.

Being Outside Can Reduce Stress

When you are outdoors, you can engage in various activities that can help reduce stress. Aside from the fact that nature is calming in itself, you can boost this calmness by taking walks, meditating, or simply taking in the beauty around you. Sitting in the sun can allow you to feel the warmth on your skin and breathe in all that life has to offer. These stress reduction activities are crucial for addiction recovery because they help you avoid relapse. Stress is a common relapse trigger, so practicing activities that help reduce the feeling can help maintain your recovery for the long term.

The Outdoors Can Improve Cognitive Functioning

Many individuals that struggle with addiction also have underlying mental health issues. Various studies have shown that spending time outdoors can have numerous benefits for your mental health. You can address symptoms of anxiety and depression through the different sights, sounds, and experiences in nature. Also, changing your scenery from your house to other environments is crucial for maintaining good mental health. When you improve your mental health, your cognitive functioning improves too. Your ability to focus improves, as well as your problem-solving skills. Whether you are alone or spending time with someone else outside, your cognitive functioning can improve thanks to various activities.

Boosts in Vitamin D and Serotonin

Addiction can deplete the supplements your body needs to function correctly, such as vitamin D and serotonin. However, spending time outside in the sun can help restore these levels in your body. Sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, which increases your energy levels and boosts your immune system. Your body may also experience a rise in serotonin, which is known to improve your mood, raise your energy levels, and address mental health symptoms. 

These benefits are crucial for recovery because they give you a more positive outlook on the entire process. You are also at less risk of relapse because of your positive outlook and newfound energy levels.

Avoiding Boredom

Did you know that something as simple as boredom can be a significant relapse trigger? You may overlook boredom because it is something you have experienced since you were young, but it can threaten your recovery. Therefore, trying out various outdoor hobbies can help you avoid boredom and enjoy sober activities. Recovery presents the opportunity to try new things, so engaging in outdoor activities is time well spent. You could consider hiking, swimming, sports, or finding your favorite spot to read. 

No matter who you are or what you enjoy, there is something outdoors for everyone. These activities will help you fill the time you would’ve previously spent using drugs or alcohol, thus helping you grow accustomed to new life in sobriety.

Spending Time Outside Can Improve Sleep

Spending the majority of your time indoors can cause disruptions in your sleep schedule. Irregular sleeping patterns are known to negatively impact your mental health, which can be harmful to your sobriety. Spending time outdoors in the sunshine helps your internal clock reset, thus improving your circadian rhythm. You can get even better sleep if you spend time exercising outdoors, which will help use up extra energy you may have. 

Having good sleep is necessary for recovery because it gives you increased energy, helps mental health, improves your immune system, and helps you avoid relapse. When you spend time outdoors, you aid yourself in getting long, consistent, natural sleep rather than requiring medications or other external methods of sleep aids.

Time for Reflection

Taking the time to meditate or take a walk outside gives you an opportunity for reflection. Doing so can help you overcome any challenges you may be facing in recovery in a peaceful setting. You can also take the time you spend outdoors to relax, helping calm any anxiety you may have. Reflecting and spending time alone are excellent sources of motivation for recovery, allowing you to maintain your sobriety for the long haul.

Spending time outdoors is crucial for recovery due to its numerous benefits. The benefits of this activity are not confined to this list, and everyone will experience them in different ways. However, even if you aren’t necessarily an outdoors person, you can still find things to enjoy while spending time outside. If you need ideas, NorthStar Transitions is here to help. We pride ourselves in having a facility located in the mountains of beautiful Boulder, CO, because it gives our clients a serene place to recover. We believe in taking the time to enjoy the outdoors and relish in the benefits our environment has for recovery. Our programs offer various therapies and holistic wellness approaches that take place outside, thus teaching you how to utilize the space for your recovery advantage. Call us today to learn more and begin your healing journey at (303) 558-6400. Your healing starts at NorthStar.

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