How Do I Prepare for Detox?

Deciding to enter rehab is courageous, especially if it's your first time. However, it can be nerve-wracking because you might not know what to expect. The first step toward treatment is usually detox. This allows your body to rid itself of substances so that it is ready for recovery. If you are beginning your recovery, you can take certain steps to prepare for detox.

Luckily, individuals detoxing at NorthStar Transitions are in good hands. Our team is here to help clients begin their recovery journey at their own pace and with proper support. Contact us today if you have concerns about preparing for detox and rehab.

Taking Your First Steps Toward Entering Rehab

Before you enter rehab and prepare for detox, you must acknowledge that you have a problem with substance use. Many individuals are unaware they are struggling with addiction. In these circumstances, friends, family, and loved ones may need to help them recognize their issues, which an intervention can do.

Once you acknowledge and accept your struggle with SUD, the next step requires research and education. That includes learning about potential treatment options, facilities in your area, what to expect, and how to prepare for detox.

How Do Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Brain?

Drugs affect the brain – and other parts of the body – in many ways. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), drugs “interfere with the way neurons send, receive, and process signals” through neurotransmitters. This can alter the brain chemically and even physically.

Alcohol can have a similar impact. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) indicates that alcohol disrupts the brain's communication pathways, affecting how the brain “looks and works.” These changes can alter “mood and behavior, and make it hard to think clearly and move with coordination.” 

As substance use alters the brain, it causes you to crave more of whatever substance you're dependent on. If you've ever tried stopping substance use on your own, you most likely experienced many uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. That's why professional detox is necessary.

What Does the Detox Process Look Like?

Detox focuses on safely managing withdrawal symptoms as your body acclimates to living without drugs or alcohol. Several factors will impact what the detox process looks like for you. That includes the types of withdrawal symptoms you experience and their severity.

For example, during detox, you may experience: 

  1. Muscle and body aches
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Irritability and agitation
  4. Anxiety and depression 
  5. Tremors and body shakes 
  6. Nausea and vomiting
  7. Trouble sleeping
  8. Seizures
  9. Paranoia
  10. Fatigue and loss of energy 

Not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Because withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable, detoxing in a facility is highly recommended. Some people try to detox at home or alone, but doing so can be dangerous unless a medical professional clears you to do so. Professional detox services are usually necessary for a safe and effective detox experience.

At NorthStar Transitions, we help clients detox from many substances, including alcohol, opioids, and meth. We understand the dangers of detoxing alone. So, we prioritize offering services to make the detox process as smooth as possible. Detox at NorthStar includes clinically supervised around-the-clock care that utilizes traditional and holistic modalities.

Things to Consider as You Prepare for Detox and Rehab

Aside from learning about detox, you can take other steps to prepare for detox. For example, if you are a single parent, you might consider childcare arrangements. Also, consider what financial assistance you may need and what to pack for your rehabilitation stay.

It may not be time yet to think about making arrangements for when you return home from rehab. Your treatment team can help you make a suitable aftercare plan. That may include housing situations, returning to work post-treatment, or finding Iocal resources to help maintain sobriety upon returning home.

How to Prepare for Detox

There are various steps you can take to better prepare for detox. They include the following.

  • Consider cutting out processed foods to prepare your body for detox 
  • Take care of any work obligations, such as getting time off or enrolling for some type of leave
  • Figure out childcare for your children if you are a single parent
  • Reach out to the detox or treatment facility about what you should pack
  • Avoid binge drinking or using drugs to cope with anxieties about entering detox, as this can make detox tougher
  • Spend as much time as you can with family and friends before leaving for detox

The steps you take to prepare for detox will be unique to your needs and circumstances. Know that taking the initiative to seek help is a monumental step and that it's okay to be scared. What's important is that you're doing it.

NorthStar Transitions focuses on helping clients achieve sobriety they can maintain long-term. Call us to learn more about our services and how you can prepare for detox today.

Deciding to enter rehab and seek treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol is a courageous first step in creating a life of recovery. However, it can also be anxiety-inducing. Educating yourself on potential treatment programs and what to expect from rehab can ease these anxieties. The first step upon entering rehab is typically detox. Detox is necessary for your body to acclimate to not having drugs or alcohol in its system. Withdrawal can come with many uncomfortable and sometimes serious symptoms, which is why professional detox services are highly recommended. To learn more about our programs and how you can prepare for detox, call NorthStar Transitions at (303) 558-6400 today. 

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