Long-term sobriety leads to cycles of external and internal emotional changes. Occasionally, the cycles are lonely, leading to behavioral or health changes. In treatment, you learn coping mechanisms and techniques to help you get through these cycles. However, they may not always be enough. That is where aftercare support groups come into play.
Support groups are filled with individuals who understand addiction and can help you through your long-term recovery. The individuals in these groups support each other through the recovery process and the transition into the world outside of treatment. Anyone who is looking to live a long-term sober life should take full advantage of a support group.
You do not need to be alone through your transition back to society after treatment. Support groups are assets to anyone who’s seeking a healthier lifestyle. The individuals, whether your peers or therapists, can help you reach milestones, encourage and enlighten you, and help with accountability. They are a fundamental element for you or a loved one to have success and long-term sobriety.
Many available support groups encompass individuals who have similar experiences or perspectives in the recovery process. The support groups and members of each group will have a common goal or path toward sober living after a treatment program ends. There are different types of support groups, some of which are peer-to-peer while others include a professional therapist or counselors. Below is a list of support groups that are available for aftercare support.
Peer-to-peer support groups are groups formed by individuals who were in recovery or are in aftercare. They are formed by individuals who want to lend a helping hand to the community. The groups practice different coping strategies to best prepare each member for real-life scenarios. The various support groups have discussions about the process of recovery and how to manage long-term sobriety. Peer-to-peer groups are great for upholding accountability and making a support group of friends for times of need.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a local resource for those struggling with alcohol abuse and recovery. The support group is available anywhere and does not have education or age requirements. The support group offers membership to anyone who wants help with their alcohol concerns. The group is self-supporting and nonprofessional but follows a set of principles to help individuals maintain a happy and healthy life.
Narcotics Anonymous is a community-based support group that holds weekly meetings all over the world. The group is a nonprofit fellowship for individuals who had issues with substances. NA is a world service based around quality communication, providing different services for educational or guidance purposes to help carry the message of varied recovery paths. They want to ensure the message of recovery is available in every area of the globe and play a major part in supporting those who’ve been through the recovery process.
SMART Recovery is a support group that is free to anyone who wants to understand the science behind addiction recovery. The support group is self-maintained and has participants help each other with any addiction concerns such as anorexia, gambling, substances, and more. They offer checkups and organization services to anyone on the recovery path.
Save Our Selves (SOS)
Save Our Selves (SOS) is a support group that offers safety net services and community outreach programs. They provide healthcare services for most individuals, basing their concepts on providing not only the right treatment but also high-quality healthcare services.
Women For Sobriety (WFS)
Women For Sobriety (WFS) helps women discover a fresh perspective of new life in addiction recovery. They encourage spiritual and emotional growth support with one-on-one certified facilitators by providing online and in-person support to any female identity.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery offers support with state representatives to help individuals get support through ministry in local churches and resources. The support individuals are all volunteers and the services are free to use.
Finding the right aftercare support groups is beneficial to anyone in addiction recovery. Most of the groups are led by a licensed therapist or by peer-to-peer support to target long-term sobriety by mitigating the mental health concerns of recovery. Support groups offer a stronger structure and direction on the recovery path. They are accessible, and their schedules are frequent enough to meet the needs of your life. Most of the individuals in support groups offer relatable perspectives, helping others with similar experiences to motivate and encourage you on the path of recovery.
Support groups are great for people of every age to help them meet others with similar goals and meet the needs of their recovery path. There are different purposes for different support groups. Finding one that fits your needs will help define your purpose in life and give you the right support you need in recovery. Many different online resources to find the right support group are available through different treatment centers, websites, blogs, and social networks. Finding a support group that works for you will help you engage with others in your community that understand your similar circumstances. At NorthStar Transitions, we understand the recovery process is not a simple path. However, we are dedicated to each individual that wants to continue a path of recovery. For more information or to learn more about support groups in the recovery process, reach out to NorthStar Transitions today at (303) 558-6400.