Do I Have to Hit Rock Bottom Before Getting Help?

Many individuals think they cannot seek help or go to rehab unless they hit rock bottom when it comes to addiction recovery. However, this notion is false, as it is better to get help before hitting that low point. No two “rock bottoms” are the same, so the idea of this is arbitrary and cannot be measured. Early intervention is essential and can be life-saving, so it is unnecessary to wait until you are at your lowest point before reaching out for treatment. Learning about rock bottom and why early intervention is vital in addiction recovery can help you understand that you can get help as soon as possible rather than pushing yourself to your lowest point.

What Does Rock Bottom Mean?

Rock bottom is meant to mean when someone hits their lowest point in their addiction. However, this is an arbitrary term that can differ from person to person. For one individual, rock bottom may be when they lose their job due to addiction. For another individual, rock bottom may be losing their kids because of addiction. It can even mean picking up a new substance you never imagined yourself using. However, it is also important to note that rock bottom can change for one individual depending on the circumstances. Rock bottom should not be used as the basis for who deserves help and who doesn’t.

Many Never Reach Rock Bottom

Because rock bottom is an arbitrary term, many do not realize what theirs is and, therefore, don’t know when to get help. Many surpass their lowest point without even noticing, often resulting in overdose or other fatal complications from addiction. For example, overdose deaths in 2017 reached 70,000, and 88,000 died of alcohol-related causes. Early intervention is exceptionally crucial, as it can stop someone from reaching that low point that they may not be able to come back from.

It should also be noted that many never reach their lowest point and continue living in a perpetual cycle of addiction without things ever getting “bad enough.” This can leave them stuck in limbo if they believe something must be worse to receive help. You should reach out for help at any point in addiction, including the early stages. No one deserves the pain and hardships that addiction causes, and early intervention can prevent them from happening.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention can be life-saving for those struggling with substance use or addiction. Because individuals often think things have to be at an all-time low to seek help, many will continue using until they get to that point. However, it doesn’t need to be this way. Intervening early on in someone’s path to addiction can save them from the physical, mental, and emotional problems that substances cause. Addiction is a chronic disease that will continue trying to wreak havoc on a person’s life even years into recovery. By getting help early on, treatment may be more comfortable, and an individual is more likely to make a complete recovery. It can also save them from the health consequences of long-term addiction, such as liver disease, heart failure, and kidney disease.

When Should I Seek Treatment?

If you are struggling with substance use or addiction and recognize the harmful effects it is causing your life; it is time to reach out for help. It is crucial to reach out when you think about recovery because it works best when you want to get better. Therefore, if you begin to recognize that addiction is ruining your life and you are ready to take the steps towards escaping it, find a treatment center today that can help you turn things around.

Treatment at Northstar Transitions

If you are looking for a facility that offers individualized treatment, evidence-based clinical practices located in a beautiful and tranquil place, Northstar Transitions is for you. Situated in the mountains of Boulder, Colorado, Northstar offers clients an affordable place to heal that is individualized, family-focused, and easily accessible. We don’t think our clients have to hit rock bottom to come to us. We believe that treatment works better if we intervene early on. You can find the healing you need amongst our expertly-trained staff without hitting your lowest point. We treat many addictions and co-occurring disorders to get you the help you need and turn your life around. Get back on your feet today and start navigating real-life recovery.

Rock bottom is an arbitrary term that is often used in describing when someone needs help. At Northstar Transitions, we believe that early intervention offers a better chance at healing than waiting for rock bottom to happen. Often, hitting rock bottom means it’s too late to seek help due to addiction’s fatal consequences. Instead of waiting to hit your lowest point, contact Northstar Transitions today and start your healing journey. We offer numerous traditional and experiential therapies that can appeal to many clients. You will also learn the life skills needed to navigate real-life recovery after leaving our facility. At Northstar, our goal is to prepare you for life outside of treatment and stand on your own two feet in sobriety. The Northstar difference is clinical excellence, evidence-based therapeutic modalities, personalized treatment plans, and our location in the serene and majestic setting of Boulder, Colorado. Call our team today at (303) 558-6400 and get help before it’s too late. With NorthStar Transitions, you can be sure to find the support you need.

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