Protecting your peace in recovery is similar to maintaining your mental health. The value of protecting and maintaining your peace throughout recovery takes positive thinking, focus, and effort. You are going through a lot, and you need to focus on securing your protective space to sustain inner and outer peace. This will help you establish your roots and encourage your growth. Your health will be a huge element in this area because you can not fight a battle without first preparing yourself with some sort of protection.
Protecting your peace in recovery is not always easy. Recovery is a process where you get to grow, but treatment can be a difficult time for your mental and physical self. Because you're experiencing these difficulties, any distractions in life can impact your sense of security and peace. However, there are a few different ways to protect your peace in recovery and ways to design a place you feel comfortable.
The first step is to plan your time. Time spent on reflecting is a great way to reevaluate who you are and where you want to be. There has been a lot of chaos in your life, and now things have started to change. There is more time to fill, and it may be challenging to figure out a way to fill it. When you consider your time, you can address your mental clarity, the challenges you might face, or possible goals you have for your life.
Time is going to move forward, regardless if you want it to or not. It is important to fill the extra time you have with positive vibes. When you schedule out the time you have in a day, you are creating a preventive maintenance plan that sets you up for success. Start making a schedule for your day or week and follow it. Make sure to add time each day dedicated to practicing your mindfulness and meditation.
Next, you need to realize that your stress levels may go up and down. If you have pre-planned your week, you are more inclined to follow the goals and minimize your stress. However, there are times where stress unexpectedly pops up.
When stressful moments happen, remember your breathing techniques. If you make time in your day to self-reflect, such as by taking a walk in nature or reading a book, you are establishing a mindset that is more prepared for stressful moments. Preparation is great for protection. For an example, see how Phil Weiser, the attorney general in Colorado, is using preparing to combat the opioid epidemic. Staying current with your inner peace in unexpected stressful moments makes you more prepared.
When you first enter addiction recovery, you may go through detox. The detox is essential to clear up your mind by expelling the toxins from your body. You cannot begin to heal without your body being cleared out of unknown substances. During this time, you can find protection in maintaining your mental clutter. Choose to find methods to de-clutter your inner chaos, and your sense of comfort starts to rise.
One of the best ways to clear your mind, lower stress, and increase your neurological self is to actively participate in the exercise on a routine schedule. When you build your daily exercise routine, your physical and mental health become more connected. Remember to not overextend yourself.
If you overextend yourself, you are committing yourself to leave the door open for more challenges in your life. Therefore, make sure you consider your exercise time and your relaxation, too. You’ll be able to establish healthy boundaries and improve your mental clarity, which overall protects your short-term and long-term mental and physical health.
Properly preparing yourself to protect yourself from any elements that could cause you to regress into the person you once were is critical on the recovery journey. You learn to accept who you are and forgive yourself for previous mishaps. You also learn new lessons about yourself and can move forward with healthy healing.
Additionally, you'll be able to accept yourself, as you have created an image of what it means for you to be successful now and in the future. The hardships you encounter can help remind you that you chose a healthier path in life. When you accept yourself, you can find peace and serenity in your personal life and your mindset. Finding peace in recovery or after will give you a more positive recovery growth. Overall, much of the chaos that you have in life will end when addiction is removed from your body and your mindset. You need to ensure you are protected and you have a safe space you’re comfortable in to really protect your peace in the recovery journey.
Life in and out of addiction to recovery is not going to be simple. If you prepare yourself with the correct tools to make yourself comfortable and secure, your peace comes along naturally. At NorthStar Transitions, we understand that finding peace through addiction recovery and after is possible for you and anyone who struggles with substance abuse. We work diligently with each of our clients to ensure they are treated with the right preparation techniques and methods to give them the tools they need to feel safe and secure in treatment and recovery. Your mind is not eternal chaos or everlasting peace. However, you are not beyond experiencing either of these things. Protecting your peace is about the directions you choose to take which make all the difference. If you or someone you love wants to learn more about our treatments, we are here for you, and we encourage you to reach out to us today at (303) 558-6400.