Just because someone appears to have a healthy family life and holds downs a good job, it doesn't mean he or she isn’t struggling with the physical and emotional effects of alcohol. In fact, many people meet the criteria for alcohol dependency despite having an outward appearance that everything is perfectly normal. This type of drinker is called a high-functioning alcoholic.
Since most functional alcoholics have yet to encounter outward negative consequences, denial is a big part of the disease. They go to work, pay their bills, have never been arrested – but this doesn’t mean they’re not struggling with hallmarks of addiction like uncontrollable cravings, unsuccessful attempts to quit drinking and obsessive thoughts about their next drink.
Could your drinking be problematic despite continuing to function well in society? Could you have become alcohol dependent without even knowing it?
5 Signs of a Functional AlcoholicHere are a few subtle and not-so-subtle signs to watch out for:
Help for High-Functioning AlcoholicsIf you think that you or someone you love needs help to stop drinking, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us today to find out about our specialized treatment for alcohol dependency and/or addiction treatment for working professionals. Call: 305-558-6400.